- Vino & Pića - Vino Dobrodošlica


Šifra SKU17729
Težina 3.50 kg
132.00 Eur (16104.00 RSD)


Celebrate a new home with the best housewarming present!

  • Glossy Black Gift Box crna poklon kutija 34x23x12cm
  • Malbec Reserva 2018 suvo crveno argentinsko vino 13,5%alk 750ml
  • Cheese&Garlic Crisp Bread hrskave pločice sa sirom i lukom 130g
  • Porcini Mushrooms Cheese sir sa vrganjima 250g
  • Chorizo Riojano španska kobasica 280g
  • Succulent čuvarkuća
  • Cotton Tablecloth & Napkins stolnjak i 6 salveta, 100%pamuk 190x190cm
  • Wooden Spoon varjača
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