- Čokolada First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit
Šifra SKU17010
Težina 1.00 kg
55.00 Eur (6710.00 RSD)


  • First Aid Tin Gift Box metalna kutija Prva Pomoć
  • Milk Chocolate Hazelnut belgijska mlečna čokolada lešnik 200g
  • Dark Chocolate Hazelnut belgijska crna čokolada lešnik 200g
  • Dark Chocolate tamna  čokolada 43g
  • Milk Chocolate mlečna čokolada 43g
  • Milk Chocolate&Caramel mlečna čokolada sa karamelom 40g
  • (5) Cherry in Brendy Praline čoko praline višnja u alkoholu 5 x
  • Choco Dragee "pilulica" u organdin vrećici 200g
  • Chocolate filled Cookies keks sa filom 30g
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