
Šifra SKU17248
Težina 4.10 kg
110.00 Eur (13420.00 RSD)


  • Sandiliano Brut Sparkling Wine Grand Cuvee penušavo italijansko vino 11%alk 750ml
  • Piemonte Borgo Lame Chardonnay suvo italijansko belo vino 12%alk 750ml
  • White Chocolate Mozartsticks Mocart štanglice sa marcipanom i belom čokoladom 200g
  • Milk Chocolate Praline praline od mlečne čokolade 154g
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  • Briette Creamy Cheese sir sa plemenitom belom plesni 125g
  • Roasted Salted Peanuts pečeni slani kikiriki 150g
  • Snowflakes Base podloga pahulje 35cm
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