Šifra SKU18124
Težina 2.60 kg
112.00 Eur (13664.00 RSD)


  • Gift Basket Poklon Korpa 30x24x10cm
  • Cocktail Party Marzipan Chocolate Mix marcipan čokoladice sa koktelima - mai tai, strawberry daiquiri, gin tonic, espresso martini 112g
  • Tropica Cocktail Coconut & Caribbean Rum Liqueur koktel liker kokos i rum 21%alk 700ml
  • Strawberry White Chocolate Biscuits Dragees kuglice od kesa, bele čokolade i jagode 100g
  • Anthon Berg Chocolate Selection premium čokoladne punjene praline, voće u marcipanu, marcipan pločice 115g
  • Chocolate Coated Mixed Candy pomorandža, jabuka i jagoda u mlečnoj čokoladi 120g
  • Cocktail Glass čaša za koktel
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