- Riznica Tamnjanika


Šifra SKU17102
Težina 3.00 kg
88.00 Eur (10736.00 RSD)


  • Gift Basket poklon korpa 25x20x33cm
  • Dry White Wine Tamnjanika suvo belo vino 12,7%alk 750ml
  • Fig Preserve slatko od smokava 480g
  • Table Runner stolnjak vez 60x200cm
  • Vintage Jar Walnuts in Honey orasi u medu 320g
  • Assorted Baklava Filo Pastry Almonds, Pistachio, Walnut, Cashew, Hazelnut asortiman mini baklava sa bademom, pistaćima, orasima, indijskim orahom i lešnikom 170g



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